Dr. Gloria Bueno

Gloria Bueno - Visilab

Is a Full Professor at the School of Engineering in UCLM, at Ciudad Real, Spain since 2002. She holds a PhD in Machine Vision obtained at Coventry University in 1998. She has carried on her research activities at different research centres, such as: Centro de Estudios e Investigaciones Técnicas de Guipuzkoa – San Sebastián (E), Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, Hôpitaux Civil & Telecommunication School, Univ. Louis Pasteur, Strasbourg (FR) and Gilbert Gilkes & Gordon Technology, Kendal (UK). She is leading different national and European research project in biomedical image processing. Her current interests are in signal and image processing, modeling and artificial intelligence.

Dr. Oscar Deniz

Oscar Deniz - Visilab

He is a Full Professor at the School of Engineering in UCLM. His research interests are mainly focused on computer vision and pattern recognition. He is the author of more than 50 refereed papers in journals and conferences. He has published two books on OpenCV. He has served as visiting researcher at Carnegie Mellon University (USA) , Imperial College London (UK) and Leica Biosystems (Ireland). Currently, he is a Full Professor at UCLM and contributes to VISILAB. He is a Senior Member of IEEE and is affiliated with the AAAI, SIANI, CEA-IFAC, AEPIA, AERFAI-IAPR and The Computer Vision Foundation. He serves as an Academic Editor of Journal PLoS ONE. He has been coordinator of European Project «Eyes of Things», an Innovation Action funded by the H2020 programme. Reviewer / Technical Expert for EU programs such as Eurostars.
More Information

Dr. Jesús Salido

Jesus Salido - Visilab

Associate Professor and principal researcher at the UCLM in the School of Informatics (Ciudad Real, Spain) since January 1999. Electrical Engineer and Doctor of Robotics and Artificial Intelligence from Polytechnic University of Madrid (UPM). He has made his previous research in the Industrial Automation Institute, CSIC (Arganda del Rey, Spain) and The Robotics Institute, Carnegie Mellon University (Pittsburgh, USA). He has participated in national and international projects in the areas of Distributed Artificial Intelligence and Advanced Robotics. His current interests are focused on the implementation of intelligent systems and computer vision applications. More Information

Dr. Noelia Vallez:

Noelia Vallez - Visilab

Assistant Professor. Computer Engineer. Master in Physics and Mathematics. PhD in Science and Technologies applied to Industrial Engineering UCLM.

Dr. Harbinder Singh:

Harbinder Singh - Visilab

Researcher. Electronics and Communication Engineering. PhD in Computer Vision.

Dr. Jesús Ruíz-Santaquiteria:

Jesus Ruiz - Visilab

Researcher. Degree in Computer Engineering UCLM.

Dr. Aníbal Pedraza:

Anibal Pedraza - Visilab

Researcher. Degree in Computer Engineering UCLM. PhD in Science and Technologies applies to Industrial Engineering UCLM.

Lucía Sánchez:

Lucía González - Visilab

Assistant researcher. Degree in Industrial Electronics and Automation UCLM.

Pablo del Hoyo:

Luis Miguel - Visilab

Assistant researcher. Degree in Computer Engineering UCLM.

Israel Mateos:

Israel Mateos - Visilab

Assistant researcher. Student, Degree in Computer Engineering UCLM.

Hugo Albandea:

Israel Mateos - Visilab

Assistant researcher. Student, Degree in Computer Engineering UCLM.

Pedro Montealegre:

Israel Mateos - Visilab

Assistant researcher. Degree in Mathemathics UCM.

María Blanco:

Israel Mateos - Visilab

Assistant researcher. Student, Degree in Computer Engineering UCLM.